New-Talent Training

“Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information”

Albert Einstein

The process of onboarding and training new hires is a crucial step in ensuring that young talent is well-prepared to become a valuable investment and an asset to the firm.

Retaining the best talent is also crucial to the success of any business.

New-talent training programs must provide the foundation of knowledge and skills on which future success is built.

New-Talent Onboarding and Training
Experiential learning

The ability to give today’s young talent real, usable, skills quickly is a huge bonus for any firm, and far better than new hires passively struggling to absorb a mountain of knowledge. Experiential learning makes the onboarding process a great experience.

New-talent training is a process which many firms repeat every year with little change in approach or delivery.

Why not consider a fresh approach?

How practical, engaging, and memorable is your new-talent program for global markets?

To be really effective, learning must be applied experientially.

The most effective and compelling means of achieving this is by integrating challenging and totally realistic simulation into new-talent programs at every stage.

People immediately practice what they learn – and remember.

To be really effective, learning must be applied experientially
A completely blended solution

A completely blended solution includes:

  • expert facilitation
  • integrated and progressive simulation
  • up-to-date and accurate learning materials

… all supported by interactive digital learning and retention apps.

These integrated elements are the best way to give new-hires skills as well as knowledge.

Young talent leave the program desk-ready and highly motivated.

Global Trader is an immensely powerful tool in this active, experiential learning process. It can simulate every product and market that new hires need to understand to be effective.

The simulation can be configured to become more challenging as people progress, and open paths that can be followed in continuing development.

Global Trader can simulate every product and market
ACF has huge experience in successfully applying experiential learning

ACF has huge experience in successfully applying this technique, both live and virtually.

Our company was founded on the principle of immediately applying theory to practice, and every program is designed to align with the goals and practices of each client.

Take advantage of our experience for your people and your firm.

Discover the huge benefits of integrated, practical learning with Global Trader.

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! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome – License – (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. New-Talent Training
! Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 by @fontawesome – License – (Commercial License) Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc. Upskilling and Talent Development
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